Garra Rufa (Doctor Fish)

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  • #9294

    Red Garra (Garra rufa) Care Guide

    Garra rufa, also known as Doctor fish, are fascinating aquatic creatures. These small fish have a maximum size of approximately 5.5 inches (14 cm) and possess some interesting traits. Let’s dive into the world of these unique fish:

    1 – Species Profile and Identification:


    Garra rufa, also known as Doctor fish, hails from countries like Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey.

    Physical Characteristics:

    Maximum size:

    Up to 14 cm (approximately 5.5 inches).

    Appearance and Sex Differentiation and Distinguishing traits:

    Garra rufa have a distinctive appearance. Mature males develop tubercles on their head area, while females appear fuller-bodied.
    This makes it easy to distinguish between the two sexes.

    Adaptability and Water parameters:

    These fish are highly adaptable and can thrive in a wide range of water parameters:
    pH range: 6.2-8.0
    Hardness: Up to 18 degrees dH
    Temperature tolerance: 16-24°C (60.8-75.2°F)
    Lighting preference: They prefer bright lighting conditions and demonstrate resilience in various environments.

    Diet and Feeding:

    Garra rufa are predominantly algivores, meaning they feed on algae.
    Their diet includes:
    Flake food
    Algae wafers
    Frozen foods


    Garra rufa is a community fish but should be kept away from long-finned companions due to their predominantly algivore appetite.

    2 – Setting Up the Aquarium:

    Tank Size:

    A tank with base measurements of 120 cm x 45 cm is recommended. A 30-gallon capacity tank (113.56 liters) is ideal for a small group.

    Essential Supplies:

    Filtration system:

    Keep the water clean. Use a filter with a water flow between 4-5 times the aquarium volume.


    Maintain a temperature range of 16-24°C (60.8-75.2°F).

    Bright lighting:

    Bright light promotes biofilm growth, a favorite food of Garra rufa.


    Monitor tank temperature.

    Test kits:

    Regularly check pH, carbonate hardness, and nitrate levels.

    Tank Setup:


    Opt for sand or non-sharp gravel to protect their sensitive barbels.


    Provide hiding spots with stones, branches, and vegetation.

    Fine-mesh grid:

    Necessary if you plan to breed them, as it protects the eggs.

    3 – Breeding:

    Breeding Conditions:

    Reproductions occur during warmer seasons or by elevating the tank’s temperature.

    Ideal pH level for breeding: 7.0-7.5.

    Set up a dedicated breeding aquarium to maximize fry yield.

    Note that adult Garra may eat their own eggs.


    Remember to have all the necessary supplies ready before introducing these delightful fish to their new home!

    maintaining water quality and providing suitable hiding places are crucial for the well-being of your Red Garra. Enjoy your fascinating finny friends!

در حال نمایش 1 نوشته (از کل 1)
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